Hurdy Gurdy Music Player – Out of Stock


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Music boxes have been popular for more than 200 years. Machines that make music have been fitted into watch cases and jewelry, and large weight-driven mechanisms still play tunes on carillons of church bells in Holland and Belgium. A Hurdy Gurdy allows you to take a little bit of that music magic home with you or send it off to let a loved one to let them know you’re thinking about them on days such as their birthday!

Price includes tax, shipping, and handling. For questions, call 252-728-5225.

Why should you buy from The Old Beaufort Gift Shop? Proceeds benefit the many preservation and educational programs of the Beaufort Historical Association and its mission to research, preserve and interpret the cultural, architectural and historical heritage of Beaufort and Carteret County and to interest and educate current and future generations of this heritage.  


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Battle Hymn of the Republic, Bicycle Built for Two, Dixie Land, Happy Birthday, Let Me Call You Sweetheart, Marines' Hymn, Pop Goes the Weasel, Row Row Row Your Boat, Stars and Stripes Forever, Star Spangled Banner, Take Me Out To The Ball Game, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, When The Saints Go Marching In, Yankee Doodle, You Are My Sunshine